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Archive : Rouen

In April 2007, Pip and I travelled by train to the wonderful town of Rouen in Normandy. It is a very beautiful place with much history connected with England. I have never seen so many timber-framed houses concentrated in one place. Even the ubiquitous graffiti and occasional post-war building could not obscure its sublime atmosphere.

Rouen Cathedral Rouen Cathedral Rouen Cathedral
Rouen Cathedral is nearly 500 feet tall, and was once the world's tallest building. On the left (north) is the Tour St. Romain, the base of which is by far the oldest part of the structure. On the right (south) is the Tour De Beurre, (butter tower) named so either due to its colour (and as the sun sets it looks like it might melt) or because it was funded by those wishing to eat butter during Lent. Monet painted the cathedral, and the heart of King Richard I (the lionheart) is buried there.
The tomb of Richard The Lionheart Associated buildings The library staircase Portail Des Libraires
Square in front of St. Maclou
Rouen is full of beautiful old timber-framed houses. Any one of these houses would by itself be remarkable in other towns.
St. Ouen rises above a lane of timber houses Ancient shop Lovely art nouveau shop The street beside the cathedral
Le Gros Horloge More timber houses St. Maclou
Le Gros Horloge is the town's clock. St. Maclou is nestled between tumble-down houses.
Aitre St. Maclou Le Donjon Stained glass in St. Jeanne D'Arc St. Jeanne D'Arc
Aître St. Maclou was used as cemetery during the Black Death, and is decorated with skulls. Joan Of Arc is commemorated by a church in the Vieux Marché, where she was executed. Prior to that she was held in Le Donjon.
Rouen Rive Droit Chapel of Hotel Dieu Bureau Des Finances Porte Guillaume Lion
La Gare De Rouen. The chapel of Hôtel Dieu. The Bureau Des Finances. The Porte Guillaume Lion, the only remaining city gate.
La maison de Ferdinand Marrou Fierte St. Romain Hotel De Ville Musee Des Beaux Arts
The house of Ferdinand Marrou. The Fierté St. Romain. The Hôtel De Ville. The Musée Des Beaux Arts.
Palais De Justice West front of the Palais De Justice
The glorious Palais De Justice.
St. Ouen The abbey of St. Ouen St. Ouen
The abbey of St. Ouen was founded in 533 AD. The fantastic octagonal tower was completed in the 1400s.
St. Ouen St. Laurent St. Andre Hotel De Bourgtheroulde
The interior of St. Ouen is like a glass box. St. Laurent. The tower of St. André. The Hôtel De Bourgtheroulde.
Rouen Cathedral

In 2012, I finally returned to Rouen.

Rouen, capital of Normandy
The spectacular Palais De Justice
The Palais De Justice.
Palais De Justice Palais De Justice
St. Ouen
The cleaned tower of St. Ouen.
St. Ouen
St. Ouen.
St. Ouen
A pendant in the porch of St. Ouen.
A runestone outside St. Ouen, given to Rouen to commemorate Rollo, the viking duke of Normandy.
St. Maclou
St. Maclou.
St. Maclou
The sheer verticality of St. Maclou.