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Archive : Innsbruck

Innsbruck, the capital of Tyrol, briefly rose to prominence as the residence of Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I.

Vault under the Golden Roof Detail of the Golden Roof Detail of the Golden Roof
The Ottoburg restaurant The Golden Roof of Innsbruck, commissioned by Maximilian I The Stadtturm
Innsbruck Cathedral Innsbruck Cathedral Innsbruck Cathedral
Spitalskirche Innsbruck Cathedral, partly designed by the Asam brothers (of the famous Asamkirche in Munich) The triumphal arch of Maria Theresa
Various historical kings The Hofkirche Various historical kings
Various historical queens The Hofkirche Bronze of King Arthur, of England
The Hofkirche contains the cenotaph of Maximilian I, which is surrounded by 28 huge bronze statues of European monarchs.
The Silver Chapel of the Hofkirche The Hofburg Zaha Hadid was here
The Liberation Monument, built after WW2 (by the French) The centre of town The Tyrolean State Theatre
The Helblinghaus Schloss Ambras
Schloss Ambras The chapel The wunderkammer (chamber of curiosities) of Ferdinand II
The Spanish Hall The wunderkammer
Schloss Ambras is home to a rather odd collection of Habsburg portraits, and an even odder chamber of curiosities (wunderkammer) collected by Ferdinand II.
The wunderkammer A stuffed shark Umm...
Madeleine, one of three hairy daughters of Pedro Gonzalez, the Hairy Man Of Tenerife Vlad the Impaler (Count Dracula) Bartolomeo Bon (Giovanni Bona), more than 7 feet tall
Carved figure of Death (a similar carving exists in the Louvre, originally from the cemetery of Les Innocents) A mandrake Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth I of England
A bad case of Habsburg chin Poor girl Where to begin...