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Archive : Oxford

Finally, I made the short trip to Oxford in August 2008. It is as glorious as Cambridge, but the atmosphere is slightly different, partly because of all the tourists.

The walls of Oxford, in the grounds of New College. New College chapel. New College. New College chapel.
Oxford Town Hall. Tom Tower, Christ Church. Oriel College.
Tom Tower. Grand staircase, Christ Church.
Christ Church Cathedral. The hall, Christ Church. The tower, Christ Church Cathedral.
Christ Church was founded on the ruins of a dissolved abbey, and its chapel acts as the cathedral of Oxford.
Library, Christ Church. Christ Church. Christ Church.
Queen's College. The Examination Schools. The Examination Schools. Worcester College.
Wadham College. The Martyrs' Memorial. Nuffield College. University College.
Merton College chapel. Exeter College chapel.
Merton College hall. Merton College. Exeter College chapel. Exeter College hall.
Ascending the tower of St. Mary's church affords marvellous views of the city.
The Great Tower, Magdalen College. Exeter College chapel, with Brasenose College in the foreground.
The University Church of St. Mary the Virgin. The Radcliffe Camera. St. Mary's.
All Souls College. St. Mary's.
All Souls College. Brasenose College. The Bridge Of Sighs (Hertford College). Balliol College.
The Bodleian Library. The Divinity School. The Bodleian Library.
The Clarendon Building. The Bodleian Library. The Divinity School. The Sheldonian Theatre.
The Jacobean tower of the Bodleian Library is known as the Tower Of The Five Orders, as it demonstrates the orders of classical architecture. Hidden within the library is the jewel of the Divinity School, constructed amidst much financial wrangling.
The University Museum. The University Museum. All Saints Church.
The Ashmolean Museum. The Ashmolean Museum. The Indian Institute and the Clarendon Building. Harris Manchester College.
Corpus Christi College. The Faculty Of History. The back of Oxford Union. Pembroke College.
The post office. Keble College chapel. Trinity College chapel.
Mansfield College. Keble College library. Oxford University Press.
The Great Tower, Magdalen College. Magdalen College. Magdalen College chapel.
Magdalen College library. Magdalen College. Magdalen College hall. Jesus College chapel.
Rhodes House. Lincoln College. St. John's College. Oxford castle.